Fet Jfet Mosfet

  1. Mosfet Vs Transistor
  2. Fet Jfet Mosfet
  1. Field Effect Transistors, or FET's are 'Voltage Operated Devices' and can be divided into two main types: Junction-gate devices called JFET's and Insulated-gate devices called IGFET´s or more commonly known as MOSFETs. Insulated-gate devices can also be sub-divided into.
  2. Field-effect transistors exist in two major classifications. These are known as the junction FET (JFET) and the metal-oxide- semiconductor FET (MOSFET). The junction FET has a channel consisting of N-type semiconductor (N-channel) or P-type semiconductor (P-channel) material; the gate is made of the opposite semiconductor type.

FET stands for 'Field Effect Transistor' it is a three terminal uni polar solid state device in which current is control by an electric field.

FET can be fabricated with either N- Channel or P- Channel, for the fabrication of N-Channel JFET first a narrow bar of N-type of semiconductor material is taken and then two P-Type junction are defused on opposite sides of it's middle part, called channel. The two regions are internally connected to each other with a signal lead, which is called Gate terminal. One lead is called Source terminal and the other is called Drain terminal.Construction of FET

P-Channel JFET is similarly is constructed except that it use P- type of bar and two N- types of junctions.

Ada dua jenis transistor FET yaitu JFET (junction FET) dan MOSFET (metal- oxide semiconductor FET). Pada dasarnya kedua jenis transistor memiliki prinsip kerja yang sama, namun tetap ada perbedaan yang mendasar pada struktur dan karakteristiknya. TRANSISTOR JFET Gambar dibawah menunjukkan struktur transistor JFET kanal n dan kanal p.


It is the terminal through which majority carriers are entered in the bar, so it is called Source.


It is the terminal through which the majority carriers leads the bar, so it is called the drain terminal.


These are two terminals which are internally connected with each other and heavily doped regions which form two PN-Junctions.

Working / Operation FET or JFET

Gate are always in reverse biased, hence the gate current IG is practically zero. The source terminal is always connected to end of the drain supply, which provides the necessary carrier, in N- Channel JFET Source terminal is connected to the negative end of the drain voltage source. The electrons flow from source to drain through the channel from D to S is started,

the current ID increases as VDS is increased from zero on ward. This relation ship between VDS and ID continuous till VDS reaches certain value called 'Pinch OFF' VPO.

When VDS is equal to zero and VGS is decreased from zero, the gate reverse bias increases the thinks of the region, as the negative value of the VGS is increase a stage cones when the two dip lections regions touch each other, in this conduction the channel is said to be Cut OFF.


JFET as Amplifier

One of the application of the JFET is an Amplifier, it amplified the weak signal connected in the Gate terminal , the input is always reversed biased, a small change in the reverse bias on the gate produce large change in the drain current, this fact make JFET capable of amplifing the weak signals

Working / Operation

When negative signal is applied at in put of the amplifier, the gate bias is increase, duplication layer is decrease, Channel resistance is increase, ID is decreased, Drop across Load Resistor is decreases, and the positive signal is present at output through C2.
When the positive signal is applied at the input the action will be the wise versa
This seen that there is phase inveration between the input signal at the gate and the output signal at the drain.

Application of JFET

JFET is used at large scale in amplifiers circuits, analog switches; it is also used in AGC system, voltage regulators, buffer amplifiers.


The MOSFET is sub divided in to two types,

  2. E only MOSFET


This MOSFET could be operating in both duplication and Enhancement mode. By Changing the Polarity o VGS, when VGS is negative for the N-Channel DE- MOSFET is operate in depletion mode, however with positive gate voltage it operates in an Enhancement mode.


This MOSFET Operates in the only Enhancement mode. It differs only in construction from the DE- MOSFET in that there exists no channel between the drain and source.

DE-MOSFET Construction

Like JFET it has source, Gate and Drain, However its gate is insulated from its conduction channel by an ultra thin metal oxide. Insulating film usually silicon dioxides (SiO2), because of this insulating property MOSFET is also known as Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor (IGFET). In DE-MOSFET we can apply both the positive and negative voltages at gate terminal because the gate terminal is isolated from the channel.

DE-MOSFET Working / Operation

Depletion Mode

When VGS=0 electrons can flow freely from source to drain through the conduction channel, When a negative voltage is applied at gate terminal, it depletes the N- channel and its electrons by inducing positive charges in it. Grater negative voltage on the gate, grater is the reduction in the number of electrons in the channel which increase the conduction. In fact too much negative gate voltage cut off the channel, thus with negative gate voltage a DE-MOSFET behaves like a JFET, for this reason negative gate operation of DE-MOSFET is called Depletion mode Operation.

Enhancement Mode

In circuit diagram the drain current flows from source to drain even with zero gate bias, when positive voltage is applied to the gate, the input gate capacitor is able to create pre- electrons in the channel which increase the ID. Pre- electrons are induced in the channel by the capacitor action, these electrons are added to the other ready electrons for the conduction, which increase the number of electrons and these electrons increase the conductivity of the channel.

As positive gate voltage increases the number of induced electrons is increased which increase the conductivity of channel from source to drain, this way the current is also increased. The positive gate operation of the DE-MOSFET is known as enhancement mode.

Application of MOSFET

MOSFET have wide application in field of electronics some of these application are given below.

  1. As input amplifier in oscilloscope, electronic volt meter, and other measuring and testing equipment because they have high input resistance.
  2. It is used In logic circuits for fast switching.
  3. It is also used in TV receiver.
  4. It is used in computer circuits.
  5. In high frequency amplifiers.

In this article, we compare and contrast junction field effect transistors (JFETs) and metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs).

Though both are field effect transistors and and achieve similar functions, they're fundamentally different in composition. Thus, there are several key differencesbetween the 2 transistors.

The table below gives a comparison between JFETs and MOSFETs.

How it operatesJFETsMOSFETs
Voltage controlled Voltage controlled.
Low transconductance (gain)Low transconductance (gain)
InputImpedanceJFETs are depletion type transistors only.MOSFETscan be depletion type or enhancement type.
InputImpedanceJFETsoffer less input impedance than MOSFETs. JFETs typically offer about 109 Ω of impedance.MOSFETsoffer greater input impedance. MOSFETs typically offer about 1014 Ω of impedance, sometimes greater.
CostJFETs are somewhat cheaper to manufacture than MOSFETs. They have a less sophisticated manufacturing process.MOSFETs are slightly more expensive to manufacture than JFETs.
Susceptibility to DamageJFETs are less susceptible to damage from ESD becausethey have greater input capacitance than MOSFETs.MOSFETs are more susceptible to damage from ESD because the metal oxideinsulator that insulates the gate from the drain-source channel lowers the capacitance of the gate. This makes high voltage more able to break through and destroy the transistor.
PopularityJFETs are less popular than MOSFETs.MOSFETs are more popular and widely used today than JFETs.

So the above table is a good, brief explanation of some of the differences between junction field effect transistors(JFETs) and metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs). Below we'll go over the table in more depth, so that you can get a better in-detailed explanation, if you feel that above lacked. We'll go in order.

On the similarities side, MOSFETs and JFETs are both voltage-controlled transistors. A voltage at the gate terminal of the transistor eitherturns the transistor on or off. They are unlike BJTs, which are current-controlled.

MOSFETs and JFETs also both have small transconductance (gain) values when compared to bipolar junction transistors. Transconductance is defined as the milliamp per volt ratio of the small change in the current output from an electronic device to the small change of voltage input. In other words, it is the gain of the transistor circuit.In terms of amplifier applications, this can lead to decreased gain values. For this reason, neither MOSFETs nor JFETs are used often in simple amplifier circuits. Instead, BJTs are preferred. The only exception if there is a need for very high input impedance and low currentdraw.

Going now to the differences, one of the differences between JFETs and MOSFETs is that JFETs only comes in depletion type. MOSFETs can either be depletion type or enhancement type. We'll explain in clarity what this all means. When a transistor is of depletion type, this means that the transistor is on fully and fully conducting when there is 0V at its control pin, which for FETs is the gate. Thus, JFETs all operate as depletion type transistors. When 0V is fed into the gate of a JFET along with proper biasing to the source and drain terminals, the JFET operatesat full conduction. Applying voltage to the gate terminal of JFET makes it more resistive and less current flows. Once the voltagereaches a certain threshold, all current flow from the source-drain terminal ceases. This is why JFETs are referred to as 'normally on' transistors. Without any voltage to the control pin, JFETs conduct current across the source-drain region. MOSFETs, on the other hand, can either be of depletion type or enhancement type. As explained, depletion type is when a transistor conducts current acrossthe drain-source terminal in the absence of voltage to the gate terminal. Enhancement type transistors are transistors that conductcurrent across the source-drain region only if voltage is applied to the gate terminal. In the absence of voltage to the gate terminal in an enhancement type transistor, the transistor will not conduct current across the drain-source region. Only if sufficient voltage is applied to the gate terminal of a transistor for an enhancement type transistor will it conduct current across the drain-source region. So again, JFETs are only of depletion type, while MOSFETs can either be either depletion type or enhancement type.

Another difference between JFETs and MOSFETs is that MOSFETs offer much higher input impedance than JFETs.JFETs typically have input impedances around 109 Ω. MOSFETs, on the other hand, have much larger gate lead input impedance, normally greater than 1014 Ω. This makes MOSFETs, onaverage, about 100,000 times more resistive than JFETs at the gate terminal. This means that MOSFETs draw almost no gate current at all. How MOSFETsachieve this very high input impedance is by placing a metal oxide insulator between the gate and drain and source channel. This insulates the gate terminal from the source and drain channel. With higher input impedance, the MOSFET draws in less input current than a JFET; thus, it doesn't loadthe circuit powering it barely at all. It allows for very good isolation being the circuit powering it and the load that the MOSFET is powering.

One drawback of MOSFETs that makes it disadvantageous to JFETs is that MOSFETs are more fragile and easier to destroy than JFETs. We said above that MOSFETs offer much higher input impedance than JFETs. This is achieved because MOSFETs have a metal oxideinsulator placed between the gate and the source and drain channel. This supplies additional insulation and thus higher impedance, but there's a disadvantage to doing this. By placing in this metal oxide insulator layer, a very low gate-to-channel capacitance is formed. The capacitance between the gate and channel (source-drain channel) becomes very low, just a few picofarads. So if too much static electricity builds up on the gate of certain types of MOSFETs, the accumulated static charge may break through the gate and destroy the MOSFET. Some MOSFETs offer extra protection against this low input capacitance but not all do. Therefore, MOSFETs, though they offer greater input impedance, are more susceptible to damage than JFETs.

Mosfet Vs Transistor

Another disadvantage is that MOSFETs are also more expensive than JFETs. JFETs are relatively simple to build. Building MOSFETs requires a more complicated,difficult process. This is because MOSFETs require an additional metal oxide insulator placed on it. Since this makes the MOSFET more susceptible to damage from electrostatic discharge, many times protection circuits are added so that it is not as susceptible to ESD. This brings up the cost.JFETs require a more straightforward manufacturing process; thus, they're cheaper.

Overall, MOSFETs are by far the more popular and widely used of the FETs. This is because they draw the least amount of input current due to the very high input impedance, use very little power, and still are not very difficult or expensive to manufacture in bulk, as in digital integrated circuits. If you consider a company like Intel which produces chips for many different electronicdevices, they practically use all MOSFETs to produce digital circuits. So they're powering millions of devices with practically just MOSFETs. This shows the popularity of MOSFETs today for commercial consumer electronic products. MOSFETs surpassBJT and JFET use commercially by a large margin.

Thus, this is an overview of JFETs and MOSFETs.

Fet Jfet Mosfet

Related Resources

BJT vs FET (Transistors)
Types of Transistors
Difference between an NPN and a PNP Transistor
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