
Hi, Thanks for the help so far, log file below: Tim # AdwCleaner v4.111 - Logfile created at 19:26:59 # Updated by Xplode # Database: 2015-02-18.3 Server. February 29th, 2020. With the recent announcements that Firefox will start enabling DNS over HTTPS by default, I started to wonder just what kinds of outgoing lookups and connections the browser makes when it first starts up. Hi, Ive tried all the fixes suggested on the internet suggesting changing it in the browser settings. That does nothing. Ive removed it using uninstall in my programs. Its still there. Im not too knowledgeable on deeper issues regarding removing these.Ive included the FRST reading.

a few weeks ago I enabled 2FA on my Microsoft account.
Because of that I had re-authenticate every device that was logged in to that account, which I did.
The cloud sync task has been working without any issues before that and also after that.
However today I noticed that SOME cloud sync tasks that are using the 2FA enabled microsoft account fail.
I said some because I have 4 tasks configured and 3 of them work just fine!
One of them doesn't.
Rebooting TrueNAS / Disabling-Enabling the task doesn't solve the issue.
See the error log of a dry run.
Feb 13th, 2014

Google Chrome Games



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