Terminal For Sublime

  1. Package Control Of all the plugins on this list, Package Control is the most essential.
  2. Background I need to install xESMF package on my windows laptop. However, it just supports Linux and Mac. So, I switch to the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). The installation is easy. Install sublime text Since it’s quite slow to install sublime text3 from its official website using apt-get, I downloaded the tarball from the sublime text website. Then, add it to /.bashrc: $ wget -qO.
  3. Drag and drop a file/folder into Sublime; Use the Open commands in the menu; Now with the command line helper, we can add files/folders to Sublime straight from the command line! Let's take a look at how we can get everything set up. Go ahead and update Sublime Text to make sure you have the latest Build 3065 (Help- Check for Updates).
  4. We will see how to do the task of writing to stdin and reading from stdout in a single window of Sublime Text! Also, you will not have to manually input in the terminal! Install Sublime Text. If you do not have Sublime Text installed in your system, you can download it from here. Create necessary files. Now, we will require 3 basic files.

Terminal allows developers to open terminals directly inside the current file they're working on, or the current root project folder, while working in Sublime Text. This time saving feature has been a hit with programmers and the plugin currently sits on Project Control's 100 most downloaded list.

I adore Sublime Text, I'm often jumping to other editors to use an integrated terminal but not anymore! A new package called Terminus written by Randy Lai adds support for an integrated terminal panel and a view! I cannot understate how awesome this is! I've been trying to find a package to add terminal support for years!

Terminus is heavily inspired by TerminalView another Sublime Text package that adds a terminal to a view.

What I love about Terminus is you can add a toggleable panel or a view.


To install it simple open Package Control and search for Terminus

Sublime text terminalTerminal For Sublime

Terminal Sublime Text Package Control


There are default key bindings

I prefer to use ctrl+` to toggle you can easily change them with custom key bindings:

Terminal Sublime Theme

This toggles the panel but also opens in the current root folder

Terminal For Sublime

Terminal In Sublime Text

I also like to have the option to open Terminus in a view to this time using alt+`